I think these two dreams are connected first one I had was kind of funny I was being chased (I wasn't scared it was a game) by a woman in a hot dog suit up and down a concrete platform it had a lot of ramps and into I think an elevator and then up into a hotel room where there were people around a table on a balcony one of which was an old girlfriend and I gave her a side hug. second dream was I was outside and I russled a big pile of dead leaves and a squirrel ran out which then turned into my favorite cat that had a baby kitten stuck halfway out of her when I got to her she laid down, I was all of a sudden in my childhood house in or near the bathroom I pulled out the baby kitten and then several more and lined them all up in a row they weren't breathing they were stiff and had mucus in their nose and I didn't know what to do if I should call the vet or not.
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