Aidans family and I were planning a surprise birthday for his mother. I was incharge of the cake, i was going to make it her sitting under a hair dryer, the type the have at salon's. after the party aidans uncle Mike told us to get a sitter we were all going out. this was fully in color.
next thing i know we are at an out door concert but i am standing at the bar. the bar tender(bald with clown face paint) tells a joke that wasnt funny and tthen starts laughing really hard i look at him and try to tell a joke but it doesnt come out right . the guy next to me finishes my joke then brags about how great it felt to steal that spotlight. i take a sip of my drink trun around and see my kids running though the the bar. i look down and one is eating a dirty feminine pad. i panic worring he might get AIDS next thing i know im in a car tied up, i know my drink had been drugged, i also know my kids were not safe. i became physically cohearnt from my dream imagined that the pad wmy kid was eating was instead the word and decided to wake up. when i physically opened my eyes there was a demon with the head of a red elephan staning at my feet. i started praising the Lord and he vanished.
the dream was black and white with the exception of the blood on the paddrugged