Our family has moved into a new gorgeous villa-style house and the stairs are wide and grand, like a palace . We have a invaluable Painting from ancient day.
Dad told me to go mounted this valuble ancient Chinese painting painted by an ancient Master painter.
While I was going to do that, a very good friend of my father ( I call him uncle ) appeared and told me wanted to accompany with me and asked me to wait for him a moment. This uncle is my father's best friend, so I have to listen to him because I know my father will surely listen to him too. So I wait and wait up to a point I cant wait any longer, so I informed uncle that I must leave and go to finish the work as my father told me to do. Then, I see there’s an attitude changed from uncle and that made me really concerned and have suspectation towards him.
Scene Two
I was in my friend’s car and the gut feeling telling me whatever tricks or plan of uncle’s acts of stupidity could cause us lost this Extreme valuable painting. When I thought of that... I strated screamed to my friend who’s driving the car:! Faster! got no more time , can’t get caught by uncle! Faster ! Faster!
Scene Three
I was very anxious because the famous painting was completely destroyed by my uncle's mischief.
As soon as I pushed the big door entering the house, I saw my grandparents and a girl I didn't know, she is about eight to 12 years old. When I saw my grandparents, a trace of joy was intervene my anxious mood . Then I cried out to dad and spell out everything I experienced and how the famous painting was completely destroyed by uncle’s mischief.
While I doing the talking , suddenly remembered that my grandparents returned to Heaven, how could they be here? So I turnaround and asked my grandes, I want to know why they are here?
But both of my grandparents didn't pay attention to my question. Maybe they both up sad about the famous valuable painting completely destroyed.
But my grandmother and the girl, both of them immediately bowed and prayed, but the style they bowed was new to me( kneel down then Stretched the body and face on the floor- then curled her body and knees took in and face the ground)
And My grandfather , he walked outside of the villa with no face expression or emotion on his face.
Then suddenly I remember : wait! my dad also suppose in Heaven too, how can he still be here?