Setting: in a chinese restuarant, fancy. Our table had a light on it while the whole restuarant is closed and dark. Our table was on the upper level overlooking the set of stairs leading to the ground level of round dining tables and the kitchen. Though the ground lv is dark and closed, the whole kitchen lights are on.
I am at a round table with other participants. The host of the event brought over our past memorabilia that we took home from the previous years we had attended the event. Each year we are given a different challenge and we take it home.The host reveals the challenge is to make a large fruit drink. He passes the fruits all around the table infront of us, except he didnt give enough to my side of the table- which I voiced out.
I quickly pick the fruits I wanted for a yummy drink. I chose four Pink Lady Apples (they are beautiful pinky red and yellow sweet apples). ALL the fruits were shaped like long cucumbers for some reason. I put my fruit the the side as everyone was working together in their own groups. I go to the bench with the excess fruit the Host left aside. So many beautiful coloured fruits (shaped as cucumber still). I chose according to what would taste good for the drink and then I realised I had picked Baby Corn! Eek~ no thanks don't want that. I return to my table and my Pink lady apples are gone! My collegue had cut them up with their batch and sent them to the kitchen to be blended. I ran down to the kitchen to hopefully get my apples back!
In the kitchen, David and another guy (middle eastern) were part of my table and were taking the job of blending the fruit. All the cut up apples were in clear blender cups stacked on each other. About 50 of them were stacked in a big industrial dishwasher tray. David tells me to get what I need. I grabbed the cup just a bit and then eggs (no shell) spill out from another cup. "They all have eggs in it?!" I said. David tries to save it and grabs the whole tray but instead ALL the eggs in the cups bulge out to the side- hanging out like a giant sack (but not dropping). The middle eastern guy looks at me and says "Wow you're like Ann Hathaway where she ruins everything!" ( In Devil Wears Prada the movie, she was very clumsy at first). End of dream.