I have been having different dreams within the past months but a specific person has been in each one. He is a known prophet I like to listen to once in a while named Charlie Shamp. One dream I had was I was in one of his revivals praying while leaning over a chair. I was wearing a black leather jacket. He came up to me with a sponge full of olive oil and said "I am going to pray for her" and placed the oily sponge on my back and the oil dripped down the leather jacket. I was praying but at the same time watching this from above. After he prayed for me (I don't remember what he said) I looked up to speak with him. I said thank you for anointing me with oil and for sure he said "you know the Lord well enough" and then he said something along the lines "to understand your sins and repent" (I don't remember the exact words but for sure he said you know the Lord well enough). He said it with love. I have had other dreams as well with him in it but I am sharing this one.
In the dream I felt in the spirit praying at the revival and so grateful to be anointed with oil