I dreamt that I was living with my grandmother. She was sick and a nurse came to check on her. When the nurse was leaving I asked ”how is she doing?” She said my grandmother is getting better but won’t eat. After she left I asked my grandma to eat but she said I’m not hungry.
Then I walk to my bedroom down the other end of the hall. It was dark as the window was facing under the carport. I’m holding my orange tabby cat - Mister. I look out my bedroom window and see an elk running down the street. It’s back left leg was injured. Then I seen wolves catch up to it and take it down. I then thought to myself I have to close my window. There were bent blinds that I was looking through and knew that wasn’t enough to protect me. I look up to the top of the windowsill and pull down a sun shade. Then the two wolves run up to my window and are trying to get in from the sides. One on each side.
I said go away in the name of Jesus twice but they don’t go away. Then I think maybe I can run out of my room and close the door to protect me and Mister. But another thought comes to me that if I do that then the wolves will destroy my bedroom. And I wake up.