The dream took place at night and it was dark. So it starts with a 911 operator sitting in a 18 wheeler that was parked in a line, side by side, of other 18 wheelers. The call was from a guy calling in and after he tells the emergency (I'm unsure what it was) the operators ask his name and he said Donna. Somehow I know that Donna was his mom. The operator questions him about that because he knew he was calling for someone else as someone else (since he was a male, saying his name was Donna). Then the scene moved to the operator and 2 other men showing up to the house and walking up to the young guy who made the call and asked what was going on. The operator was immediately shot in the head by the main guy. (I was watching all of this inside from the second story window of the house). The main character said "come with me" to the 2 other men and they started to walk off with him. I don't remember seeming them again. Next scene was the main guy started shooting at other people who were at the house (a group of other high school aged kids/young adults.. me included. We all seemed to know each other and be friends. We were at his house for some reason.. maybe to help move or help with a group project or something but we had gathered there for a purpose). We began trying to fight back with guns all over the house. At one point I shot at someone (and missed) I thought was him coming through a door, it wasn't him, and I believed then I was out of bullets so I ran upstairs to a bedroom. Once I was hiding behind the bed I checked and my gun clip was loaded and I remember having 2 extra bullets. Then while I was hiding behind the bed, a mother and daughter came in there but didn't know what was going on so I told them. And then another girl can running in there. We were all in the bedroom hiding behind the side of the bed watching the door and waiting to see him come up the stairs. I was waiting and watching so I could shoot and kill him. I knew I would be able to see him before he saw me. And then I woke up.
(-muted color/dark- general feeling was fear in my dream and confusion when I woke up. Donna is my mother-in-law's name).