My dream started with my family and I, this being my sister boyfriend and dad going to this new church. I dot know why or were or even who invited us but we were going. On the was to this church I was driveing but the I came around this turn and I woke up in the house. I don't know how I got there. But all these ppl were worshiping this alter and my step father was in the front. He slit this persons thought and his body was engulfed in flames and then his entied body looked like lava. I started freaking out but everyone else was cheering. Then out of bo were everyone was gone and it was my step dad still lavafied, my mom, dad sister carmen and sister angline and they were all talking about how amazing the searice was and how great a job he did and I was the only one who was freaki g out saying they were worshiping the devil. When they wouldn't listen to me I got carmne and started trying to see what was happening and all I remeber saying is I don't remember how we got here how did all this happen don't you see what's going on. She said yea and agreed with me but was still acting like it was normal. I began running around this house looking for my mother and I came in this room and found a body of a young women very pretty blond hair don't remember her eyes but what struck me was she had a face and full face. When I dream I don't see faces only k ow who thoses ppl r supposed to be. I picked up her body only to throw it back down. I went back to the living room and my mom and everyone were there talking and I started flipping out saying this was bad and that they were becoming demons but the didn't listen. Then angline came in and I was trying to get her to help me but she was all for what they were doing. I started crying and yelling at her. I felt so hurt and betraid and scared. I even thought I hope to never see them again. I started to leave but before I did I turned to he and said you have a body to bury and by the way her name was ulysa. Anglined looked shocked and scared and I said I told you I'm clarvoiant. And stormed out. I was trying to restarte my dream cuz I normally have full control of my dreams. But it didn't work. I was just in a bigger church with all my family and I was yelling that we had to leave we had to go home. And all they did was get mad at me.
What upset me about this dream was it felt real I really couldn't remember how I got to the house I couldn't rewind and make it up. I was genuinly upset with my family and when I woke up I thought it all had happened to a second before remembering it was a dream