I´m walking some place seemingly semi familiar. I go over a type of wooden bridge or wooden decking on the ground. A lady passes me from behind. She was playful, jumping, skipping or bouncing along. Then I walk to a building and am in a room.
A friend I think who represents Dream Interpretation from Stream Ministries Int. or the prophetic is there. JPJackson is in the other room or another room- I sense him there. I think I sensed also 1 other person. The friend is working on something with her chair and desk on the opposite wall to me so our backs are to each other. I have my 3 questions ready to ask JPJ. They seem to be the same ones I have in the natural. 1. Is it a God, soul or enemy dream?. 2 (I forget) and 3. Is there a difference when I see a person in the dream or sense they are there? Don’t think he answered me.
Then there was something about JPJ and his wife – a wedding in Spain.
First he takes me on a tour guide of the place we are in. There seemed to be quite many small rooms. Maybe some chefs come out of a room like they are running small businesses, restaurants. He points out the rim of the walls near the floors- ceramic white angels were there. Felt like I maybe asked or told him of the dream my friend helped me with years ago in reality about the apartment I was buying on wheels from workmates.
Then Im in a new place. Rachel Lamb and Joni Lamb (Daystar) perhaps are with JPJ, his wife and my Dream Interp. friend. Thought there was a red car, Spain and wedding somehow impressed to me. JPJ´s wife wanted to bring something back to Joni at a food market and Rachel starts to reverse the car then says no problem we can do that later. Think she is with Josh(her real life husband) briefly on a verandah and looks beautiful.
Then its as if my friend hadn’t told me she would be there 1st place like it was where I lived to do dream stuff or streams stuff but now that she is travelling with JPJ and wife without her family its seems for many months through Australia -Sydney Melbourne were highlighted. I think Im trying to get the schedule for Melbourne to be able to join.
I ask Jelene, my current real life landlord whose name means bright shining star about an extension on the rental place Im currently in til 1 Nov, 2019 (this dream is from Autumn 2019). She says a Chinese lady moves in on 2 Nov. The muslim lady who is renting the other apartment in the natural is happy about that somehow and so I sense I need to go to an online website for seeking new apartments etc.