1 of 3 dreams I think in total in April 2020.
First dream I sensed/felt I threw up/ vomited in my spirit or inside me in my sleep.
Second dream I think included something about seeing the messenger symbol (message/angel) on facebook and the number 8 (new beginnings). Also seeing the eternity perfume bottle in this dream I think. Im in a store, familiar maybe somehow, saw some vests/ clothing in same room as the perfume there was more to this dream i cant recall.
Third dream I was on a tour of this beautiful mansion with a man. I thought it was Kjetil, a Norwegian pastor. Anyway Im with a man I sensed was buying this for me -for us as we would marry. I had a baby girl with me. Don’t know whose she was. Im walking up the stairs, they seemed narrow. There was room after room and they were all so gorgeous, never-ending and though at first I thought I couldn’t live there it wasn’t how I thought it should be we explored so many rooms (no kitchens or bathrooms seen on this tour though mostly living rooms with lots of sofas). At first I was thinking how I could alter the floors and steps to make them easier to go up and down with babies, maybe I was thinking I was going to have more kids to carry up and down. I seemed to just enjoy the tour. An office space I seemed to recall seeing on the tour and me saying something about it will be perfect for my job -international I sensed. Then there was a view of the outside patio type area. I also mentioned my previous work summer party was there- maybe the ones selling this home we were touring had rented it out for us at work last year. We had ordered Japanese food I think from nearby. Another room we were in had something in it but it seemed covered up for now (later revelation). I saw a school (place of learning) from the house window. It had been renovated ad looked painted but I remember telling my husband -to -be I would prefer our children went to the international school and he said well that’s fine and easy and not far on the bus. This house was in Oslo´s westside (where I moved from to the north east in the natural last year) I felt and the street had many beautiful old wooden villas on it yet seemed like a quiet and peaceful green area. Not familiar looking.