I dreamed that I was in an upscale hotel. My mother was there and Brad Pitt shows up at the door and my mom says “Brad Pitt is here to take you to breakfast.“ He wanted to take me and my 3 kids. So I asked my mom if she minded if we went and she said “naw girl, y’all go.” I remember that I felt touched that he included my kids. In real life my oldest son is 24. But he was a baby and I went to put a diaper on him. Then suddenly, he’s 8 year old Dakota and he’s excited that he’s getting to go somewhere. Brad Pitt was excited that he was excited. So, I go to get the other kids ready but they were not my other 2 kids. They were 2 little Filipino girls and one was about 6, but she was the size of a baby. She was in a crib but it was enclosed like a dog crate. I was wondering about the cage enclosing her. . She’s pouting because she didn’t want to go. But I picked her up and loved on her and got them together anyway and we left. As we were leaving, we walked down a hallway with glass walls on each side. To my right, There was a waterfall, and scenery like a rainforest that was breathtaking.
I have some ideas but I am not sure about Brad Pitt. 😂