I was on a street looking up at a little white house with a chain link fence around it. There was a big black man on a horse. The horse’s reigns were tied to a series of ropes to keep it from getting out. There was a man there to make sure they stayed in the fence. The horse decided to squeeze out anyway and they got out. The other guy was yelling for them to stop and come back. The guy on the horse got on the road. I saw that he had a cowboy hat on and was supposed to be a law enforcement guy, but he couldn’t even keep his guns on correctly. They were falling out of the holsters. What a joke. On the back of his shirt was a blue “Biden” sticker. I caught up to the horse and took his guns and horse and then the horse became a motorcycle. I began riding it to the intersection and waited for the light to turn green. While I waited I secured the guns to 2 holsters running down the middle of the motorcycle. A guy was mocking me and I didn’t care. I told him I could do it. The light turned green and I began shifting gears and picking up speed. I was going to a house where I had been working but was quitting. The woman in charge was Melinda Gates. She wanted to know where I was going next and I knew she would try to have me killed so I didn’t tell her. Before I left, I stripped the bed I had had there and took all my bedding with me. She wasn’t happy about that. As I was walking out, the door to the next room opened. It was Caroline Elizabeth (my daughter). She had woken up. I knew I couldn’t leave now because that woman would try kidnap her and traffick her. I had to stay there with her until my parents got there.
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