I had a dream this summer I was at my husbands place of employment, a sawmill. My husband and I were sitting in the back of his old 1983 white Ford. The sky was a dark amber and it gave off a dark amber hughe. I was crying to my husband about some troubles ( I don't know what) and he was empathizing with me. Then suddenly he began to laugh an evil laugh, and stood up and morphed into this dark demon. He was at least 9 feet tall and built in the shape of a strong man. He had rams horns sticking out the side of his head, red eyes and razor sharp teeth. It began to slowly come towards me and I was suddenly paralyzed in my voice so I could not rebuke it. As he walked towards me I would back down. However a bravery stirred up in me and I knew that if I was unable to verbally rebuke it then I would stand up to it face to face and stare it down, and I was not afraid anymore. So I stood up and got eye to eye with it. We began having a stare down literally face to face. Eventually the demon got angry and frustrated with me staring it down and let out a scream. It then disappeared. I suddenly got my voice back and jumped out of the back of the truck. I then began to rebuke at the top of my lungs in the name of Jesus and by his blood both in English and in tongues the principalities at the sawmill and surrounding territory.
In the dream I first felt sadness, fear and then a bravery I cannot explain.