October 29, 2017 We were at some kind of park. My mom was babysitting my 8 year old cousin Samuel (I am not close to him so I feel like it’s about the name). My mom and sister were engaged in conversation and there were several kids playing in the dirt behind them. I looked at the kids and realized that Samuel wasn't with them. I asked mom where he was and she begin to panic. We all started looking for him. We ended up having everyone at the park look for him but he was no where to be found. We then went down to a beach and people were diving in the water looking for him. I remember seeing a body with a yellow shirt floating on top of the water and thought it was Samuel because he had a yellow shirt on also. It wasn't Samuel but someone grabbed the body and starting doing CPR right there in the water. I looked down into the water, which was completely clear, and saw several bodies on the ocean floor and people were doing CPR on them. Then I woke up. I felt panicked in this dream, just like I would as a parent who is looking for her child. I also felt upset that my mom and sister weren’t watching him good enough. At the end of the dream, I was perplexed at the scene of so many bodies on the ocean floor and the fact that CPR was being done underwater. I didn’t feel very hopeful that it would help.
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