I had a dream a little boy about 4 or 5, who was a complete stranger to me, called me on my phone and told me his mother had been dead for three days and hasn’t fed him so he was hungry and needed help. I was very concerned and asked him his address and he said 1520 Azules (or something very similar) st. I quickly got there somehow and went in the house to find a young woman (who was a stranger)in a bed. She seemed to be dead. I shook her and she sprung to life. It was obvious she was high on illegal drugs and had drug paraphernalia in her hands. She got up and began to move about irratically. I told the little boy to call the police so they can come for her so he did. As we waited for the cops two people came over to the house. They had legalized marijuana and were looking for the owner of the home to do some business. I told them I was only there to watch the little boy until the cops came and couldn’t help them, and that the owner wasn’t there. They left disapointed and I began to wonder where the cops were. I went outside and realized we were not at the address the little boy had told the police, but we were actually at an address on a Cajon (?) st, so the police were not coming. I then heard something in me say “this woman doesn’t need to go to jail, she needs to hear about Jesus, and you will go in there and tell here”. I argued back saying I feared she would injure me in her drugged out state and didn’t want to, but the inner voice persisted. I then went inside to tell her about Jesus and his grace. I saw her moving frantically and she was just about to leave out the door. I told her “ I would really like to talk to you about Jesus and give you hope” The dream then ended. In the dream I felt concerned and unsure about the situation and surroundings, as well as wanting to share Jesus
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