In this dream I was in an auditorium, reminded me of the multi purpose hall in the school that I went to when I was younger (although newer decor). (Pictured) I was on the stage presenting something to someone on the stage, afterwards I stepped back and when went to leave the hall via a backstage hallway. As I exit the hallway (now at the back of the hall) and am about to exit the hall, I heard a female scream, as if something’s happened in the middle of the hall, and there was some panic as people started to want to get out (though it was not a stampede style but quite orderly exit). As I was about to get out of the hall, someone (a staff it seems, wearing a uniform) stopped me by holding on my left shoulder, looked at me for a while as if to check whether I am allowed to leave. After a while, he let me go and I was able to walk out of the hall safely.