I dreamt Im back at my old apartment though its different and larger. Ingrid (beautiful) a previous colleague I barely knew now lived there. Kari (pure) also previous colleague I barely know had informed her it was vacant. I see some cracks on the floors. I think my sister Rachael( not sure the biblical meaning) was there. Then we had to escape. I led the 3 out by the side door taking my long cobalt blue winter coat with hood and a few other clothes items with me. It was bright light outside. I saw as we snuck out a man in black like a warlock with a black cape and hood enter that room we were departing and drop a blanket on a fire that appeared on the floor. I sensed a baby was in the blanket. Another woman left as we did out another door to the adjoining house not seeing us. I sensed she was a witch. She looked like actress Dianne Weiss i think it is.
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