The beginning of my dream is foggy now and I don't remember specifics, But I do remember being in a parking lot/office settings (We were moving back and forth between the 2 places). I was told that I had done something very wrong with my books. Not especially accounting but important papers to be filed . I was going to be prosecuted And I was locked out of everything. I was very upset in the dream because I knew I hadn't done what I was accused of but I couldn't get anyone to listen to me. Then my old boss showed up, whom I had/have a great relationship with and told me he knew I had done nothing wrong. Hey said he could investigate and clear my name easily. He told me he knew me and he would make sure everyone else knew who I was integrity wise as well. I kept seeing a paper with writing in read letters and a big circle around it. These were the charges! Rick my old boss was ready to fight on my behalf And we were about to start when I woke up.
When I woke I felt frustrated but calm.