I am at a party poking at a fire in the fire place. Its It's a family Thanksgiving or something. We are in the house I grew up in. My underwear was on the outside of my pants and someone makes note of it. Instead of going to change I just go to bed. I am pregnant when I fall asleep then I'm woken up by a strange pain like the baby is in a weird position. I press my hand on my belly to move the baby over and instead of felling a pregnant belly I feel a babys leg. To my surprise, I'm no longer pregnant, I delivered durring the night in my sleep. I call for my mom as the baby still has the umbilical cord attached and i need her help to remove it. Apparently i delivered between 1 lam and 5am. She makes the statement " I wonder who else was here, there is no way you delivered by yourself in your sleep" I think but dont say, it must have been Jesus bbut I didnt think I should have delivered this early as i still had months to go.
I think I understand most of this dream, talking about God is about to birth something new in me and I won't really be involved when he does it will just happen. But I'd like to know if that's was just the main point or if the other things surrounding the birth are important. Like the time, umbilical cord, me poking at a fire, being in my old house, and the underwear issue.