I was working for a woman named Sandra Sanders (former coworker in real life). I was pregnant and knew that I was only a few days away my due date. I am starting to feel like I am about to go into labor. I told Sandra, "You know that very soon there is going to be a day that I don't come to work" (because of having baby). I went home. My husband is there. I have a infant/baby there, a baby girl about one month old or there about. She has a dirty diaper and it is a real mess. I clean her up and put a new diaper on, etc. I then am holding her. She is beautiful with a lot of thick, black hair. Then I realize I am having cramping, I recognize it as the beginning of labor from my previous experience. I tell my husband it is time and that I am beginning labor.
Then I don't know where the first baby is at. I look around and see sooo much "stuff" in the room. It is all grey too. I think the baby got misplaced in there somewhere.
I was still looking for the baby when I woke up. I was upset about losing the baby.
(The same night or same dream?? - I was trying to get washed up and dressed. I could not find a private place to do it. I think my shirt was off and I was trying to get to a bathroom. I find a bathroom in this house (not my realife house). The window is boarded up and I am glad but curious what is behind the window. I pull it back and see that a small place between this house and the house next door. A couple of vehicles are parked there. No wonder it was boarded up, not much of a view. Then I look behind me... the whole back wall to the bathroom is open to a big empty, unfinished portion of the house - with an opening to the outside space.
Not sure if the dreams are connected.