My 15 yr old daughter Adriana had this dream when she was 13 and would like a translation please!
Adriana had a dream that she was in a giant auditorium which was golden on the inside. She was sitting in a seat wearing a while polo shirt and blue checkered skirt and had long blonde curly hair (in real life she has brown). She was sitting next to a boy she knows from school/orchestra named Jacob. He was smiling and handed her a green glow stick bracelet. Jacob was wearing a pink glow stick bracelet on his hand. Adriana put the green bracelet on her right hand. There was a talent showing going on in the auditorium and another girl wearing the same polo shirt as Adriana went up to the stage to sing. She was wearing a red plaid skirt and had brown hair. Adriana decided to go on stage and help this girl. Adriana went up on stage behind her and pulled out a flute while the brown hair girl sang. Adriana started playing background music with the flute while she sang but suddenly Adriana stole the show with her flute playing, which was not her intention. The brown hair girl got really mad at her and yelled at her. Suddenly Adriana's principle Mrs. King came out of nowhere and said "I have a surprise for you" so Adriana followed her. They went to a bus but it was a bus with sideways seats facing the window. Mrs. King showed Adriana a picture of her hanging on the wall with a plaque of an achievement Adriana accomplished, and over her head was a children's book. There were also millions of people on this wall with their achievements written down. The brown hair girl then suddenly appeared on the bus and decided to sing to everyone on the bus because Adriana stole the show inside the auditorium. Adriana decided to then pull out and play a Barry Saxophone and once again stole the show on the bus, and because of this the brown haired girl kicked her off the bus.
In a dream that followed she also had a dream that her and a girl were trying to help a baby elephant because his mom was stuck on a pile of random junk. They tried their best and succeeded, but they succeeded because they created an avalanche.