Dreamed my daughter and I went into a house that was unfinished. We went into this house because it had bee hives and the owner was known for producing honey. It was assumed no one was there because it was unfinished but I somehow knew that was not the case. I was being overly quiet. We saw the hives and where all the bees were going to be kept, inside, which was weird. As we were leaving, the owner saw is through a window. I asked (mouthed, as we were outside, he was in a kitchen inside) if he was the owner who made the honey. He said yes and motioned for us to come in. We did and he took is around. There were a lot of stairs in this house but I don't know where they went. We went outside so he could explain the spiritual properties of honey, which according to him were many. He started playing some kind of game with the neighborhood kids who were down on the street. We were in the driveway which was long and uphill from street. He was throwing a ball at them with laser-like precision and speed but not hitting them. They were just moving around weirdly but not throwing back. There was one person behind them who was much, much larger and ominous. He was not moving just staring at us and bowed up. He was behind a fence. I asked where my daughter was because at this point I wanted to leave. He said she was upstairs on the highest floor. There was an elevator in his house. He said before I left I had to try his best honey as it was very special. It was kept in a jar in his pantry. We go in and he opens the jar. In it is a mixture of honey and nuts, almonds maybe. It is more like a paste. He dips three fingers in it and scoops some out. I think I will have to eat it off his fingers but instead, he smears it over both of my eyelids. He says, "you are good now. Now you can go.". I wake up.