I was in a hospital bed and it appeared that I was 9 months pregnant and it was now time to have the baby. My husband was sitting by my side. I tried to push a couple of times but nothing happened. The doctor said i wasnt ready to push just yet and that I’d have to walk the hallways. She then made a comment to herself that id probably have the baby in the hallway. I overheard her. I said “but I wanted an epidural, how can I get an epidural if I have to walk the halls” she said I couldn’t get one. I proceeded to tell her I really wanted one because I didn’t want to have to feel everything. She said no. So I asked her what would happen if the pain was too much and I couldn’t push the baby out, I asked if that meant id need a c section. She said “no if you can’t push the baby out it will die and then we’ll have to just get it out” I said “wait how would it die, couldn’t you just do a c section to prevent that?” She said “no you have to push it out or it does” I was confused, and worried that I wouldn’t be strong enough to endure the pain and push the baby out but I didn’t want the baby to die. I started to walk the halls with Alonzo (my husband). The hospital was all white not bright but not dull (if that makes sense) a nurse told my husband and I to enter this room, turns out it was like a spa area where they were going to teach Alonzo to give me a prenatal massage to help me relax. I got happy as I sat in the chair and waited. As I was sitting I felt the baby move, I got sad because I realized that for the whole 9 months alonzo nor I had spoken to the baby while in my womb or even touched my belly to try and make him move like we did with our daughter. I told the baby I was sorry and started trying to talk to him but I was getting frustrated because I couldnt remember his name for some reason, I kept calling him “Asher” & “Aiden”( both of which are my husbands nephews) I kept telling myself that wasn’t it but I knew the name started with an ”A” then I remembered the name ”Jeshua” I got happy and said “Jeshua” and then I rubbed my belly. ( In real life last year I believe God told me I would have a son next and that he was to be called Jeshua and that his name was to be “Alonzo Jeshua Jones” and I had remembered this in the dream) I then tracked down the nurse and told her I needed to hurry up and have the baby so I could recover bevause I had to go out of town to see my sisters first born child. Then the dream shifted I was walking down the hall again, this time it was like I had invisioned having the baby in the hospital I saw like 3 different camera shots in my head of the birth playing out and then I woke up.
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