I had a dream that I went to a hotel we stayed at recently that my son Benjamin may have left his phone at (this is a real life situation about maybe him leaving his phone at a hotel). When I got there I asked about it and was met by the wife of prophet Jesse Shamp. We began to talk and become friends when Jesse Shamp entered the room. I began to tell him political jokes and we were laughing having a good time. And then his brother prophet Charlie Shamp came into the room and we started joking about politics and laughing. Then the brothers looked at my son Benjamin and asked him to begin impersonating people so they could have a good laugh. They specifically asked him to impersonate a Mexican guy named Lorenzo (I don’t know any Lorenzos). My son began to impersonate this Lorenzo but said the F word and I quietly told him to stop. He then embarrassed whispered things that I believe had to do with the occult but I’m not sure. The prophets didn’t seem to notice so my son went on to also imitate Donald Trump and they thought that was hilarious. Then I laid down next to my son and my left incisor tooth was loose so I began working to pull it out and it came out. In real life I am already missing this specific tooth. My son pulled his out too. I compared the teeth and mine was a plastic bright white and his more yellow stained. In the dream I felt joyous to be laughing with the prophets and embarrassed that my son said the F word to them and hoping they didn’t think I was a bad parent
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