I dreamed I was preaching to a large crowd in a large church. The congregation had many older people in the audience. I gave an altar call and few people responded. I prayed for those that came up but then felt led to give the altar call again. I then felt the anointing very heavy and begin to “preach” again and I was saying things like “I’m human too. I make mistakes too. Etc.” Many people were moved and started crowding the altar. The last thing i remember saying was “I’m just a vessel used by the Holy Spirit”. I then laid my hands on an elderly gentleman and he was slain in the spirit. I then went to pray for a man who was seeking a miracle for his little boy. He said his son had been born with a defect and that the doctors didn’t believe he’d live much longer without a miracle. He was holding a little boy, probably 3 or 4 years old who had no head. All this little boy had was a body and there was an empty hole where his neck and head should be. I heard the little boy sniffle, which I thought was odd since he had no head. I prayed over the boy and the father begin to shout “he’s healed! My boy is healed! it’s a miracle!” The dream then shifted to me holding the same little boy in an open field, it looked like a farm, and he was pointing and talking to me but he still had no head.
This dream was very odd and it has troubled me all day...