I am walking through a house with the landlord and property manager showing them things in the house that needs to be repaired. I told them this house is a hazard to my family. It was feeling of disgust and disappointment but ready to agrugue to prove my point. I look up to the ceiling and pointed up and said look at this. I poke the ceiling and patches of it falls off and I can see into the roof looking at the wood panels. I'm showing the brown spots on the ceiling and some areas that was round with a green and brown rings and leaking water. I remember looking at them and the landlord puts his head down and says your right. Your family can brake your lease and move out nothing owed. I started to panic to my husband and ask him where are we going to live as I look to the right I see a bright yellow light shining through a window I then felt a calmness and woke up.
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