Sep 13, 2021
my dream took place at night and as I look over the dream I’m not familiar with any of these locations.
My dream took place outside. I think I was around a lady that I know name LaTessa. And Someone else? I believe they were talking about the Price for childcare, I believe they were talking about the price for their kids to be in childcare. I didn’t want to use that childcare place with them, or go to that place with them? I didn’t want to use that childcare place? I wasn’t very interested in it.
In the Next part of dream I drove up the road from where I was at, at first,
Up the road, there is a mailbox, I have keys to it, I open mailbox with a key, then I put some money in envelope and place it in mailbox then I close mailbox. I want to lock the mailbox.
I have a key chain ring with keys on it I notice some keys are broken, I’m having a hard time finding the correct key to lock the mailbox back up.
I notice some one or some people behind me across the street, grave yard? Maybe? I don’t think I’m scared in dream, but I do want to hurry.
I think I wonder if I could just leave the envelope with money Inside mailbox without locking it and maybe No one will bother it?
I also notice a Man with a poodle/human dog I believe I start hurrying faster, I don’t think I’m afraid but I do want to just get back to where I was. Which was back up the road where those ladies were in the beginning of my dream. I think all of a sudden as I’m backing up in the car I’m driving, the human/poodle dog tries to open one of my back doors!!! but I think I lock door in time or they just can’t get in.
It was night time in my dream
As I think about my dream that I had, I wonder why would I be putting money in an envelope and trying to lock it in a mailbox.