I dreamed I was riding in the Tahoe in Mountain Brook with Nick. I asked him about living in Mountain Brook. I told him it was close to King’s Way, close to the interstate by KW, close to Whole Foods and other grocery stores, close to the zoo and McWane. It was really a good location for us. He was surprised because we never planned on living there. We passed by a house for sale and he slowed down so I could grab the flyer. I was shocked at the price-over $800k and nothing was renovated. It was white and had blue hydrangeas. It was on a busy street which I didn’t like. We stopped to go look at it. It was cluttered and they hadn’t even made the beds. I wanted to help them clean up the clutter and began putting some things in bags. I was going to make the bed for them but then stopped and realized that wasn’t what I was there for. I kept looking around and noticed that it had plenty of space, a place to garden, a sunroom, and a beautiful view of woods. The people were there with their realtor giving us time to look. A black woman and children and white woman and children. We were leaving when I remembered to put my shoes back on- I had taken them off and was walking on their carpet. I went back to the bedroom when I remembered I saw Grace’s (my daughter’s) bottles and water bottle in a big pile with other kids’ stuff. I grabbed a bag and put our stuff in it. I walked back out and the white woman was asking how to reheat shrimp. I told her to do it very slowly. She asked why I had the stuff in a bag. I told her I knew she had worked with the kids and recognized Grace’s things. She agreed that’s where they were from. I woke up.
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