Okay so I was in the middle of the woods. When out of nowhere the forest opened up and a road came out of nowhere, and a truck full of people drive through, I decided to go for a walk to see what was going on. I walked till I hit a town full of houses where I met the truck of people that drove down there. They then asked me who I was, and I told them I was curious as to what was happening and how a road just showed up out of nowhere. They continued to tell me that all these houses caught on fire years ago, and that they were full of the people's belongings, and that the houses were abandoned and no one was ever coming back, so they were there collecting old things that were left behind, they asked if I wanted to take a look, so I started joining them inside the houses. I saw that the lights were still on, the TVs were still on and there was tons of stuff people had left behind, one of them told me to grab whatever I wanted. So I decided to grab whatever I could. I grabbed tons of things, then they took me to my house and I unloaded those things and decided to go back with them later in the night, everyteverything was so vivid, I remember everything, there was a bunch of fish in a tank in the last house I was in, there was no fish food, i was going to feed them, and then I found a cat, it was hissing and hungry, and I kept thinking how could the fish and this cat survive this long in a house with no food, and why would people leave there houses. Considering that the houses that were on fire really weren't. It really started to not make Sense, nothing was adding up, and right before I woke up i was grabbing a ps4 and xbox one, and many games. And as I walked outside, one of the guys was talking about someone finding out we were there and we were in trouble, then I woke up thankful it was just a dream, why was this dream so real, and I felt as I was really there. It's a dream I've never had before.
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