I got off a bus to have a mission trip in Singapore. There are a long row of people welcoming new arrivalers with dance. I kept walking trying to find some newcomer like me (Chinese from HK). But all I saw are local Singaporean so I gave up. I dropped my backpack and approached a lady. She reminded me to watch out for my backpack. When I went back to look for it, my yellow backpack was gone (I have the same one in real life but it’s purple not yellow). We walked together and I told her that I need to find a police station to report the lost property because my phone and password were in my backpack. She seems not care. I prayed and got a verse, “asked and it will be given”. We walked and went to an place with an event about ChiuChow culture introduction. I was in that event before. When we left, I was surprised to find out the event was held in the lower floor of my old home in ChiuChow. (in reality it was my real home) I was thinking, maybe I should visit my parents as I was there. Then I asked others, how I can be in ChiuChow (China) as I was in Singapore. They said that we didn’t need passport if to depart from Singapore to China, but we did need passport to go back to Singapore from China. I was angry, because I lost my passport so that I can’t go back to Singapore. Then I asked who arranged this event. It was my brother. I was angry at him, saying "who will arrange an event held at lower floor of the old home?!" And he was angry at me for me angrying at him.
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