Lately, night after night, I have been having uncomfortable, unsettling dreams. The one I had last night, however, stands out the most to me. I will write it in a narrative style because that is how I dream, so I do apologize for the lengthiness and flowery language. Any insight is very much appreciated.
It starts out in a hospital at night. I am completely alone; everything is quiet and still, save for the hum and sterile glow of the halogen lights. I'm walking along a black and white checkered tile floor down a seemingly endless hallway until I come upon a window to my left. Past the glass there is a room. It is completely empty save for the perfectly white hospital bed and it's sole occupant. She is a pale, blonde haired girl, dressed in a mint green hospital gown. She appears to be in her early twenties. As I peer on through the window, she rises, but it's not right. Her torso jerks up, as if she is being pulled by invisible strings that have been attached to her shoulders. She's sitting up in the bed now, head looking down at her legs, her arms limp at her sides. She looks more puppet than human. She stands up, no, she is lifted up in one jerking, abrupt motion, and in an instant, she is glaring at me through the window. Her eyes are bloodshot red, her skin, once a pale porcelain is now a lifeless gray, and her hair is tattered and strewn about. She opens her mouth and the glass begins to vibrate fiercely for a moment, then shatters. The force of the piercing scream that hits me is excruciating. It bursts through my eardrums and into my skull, leaving me feeling like I've been impaled with a metal spike through the top of my head to the base of my spine. I am terrified, and my only instinct in the moment is to run, and so I do just that. I'm running for my life, looking for an exit. There isn't one. The hallway keeps looping upon itself. I can feel her cold breath on the nape of my neck, and I dare not turn around. I come upon the shattered window again, and in desperation, I close my eyes and jump into it.
I do not hit the floor.
I do not land on anything.
I am falling.
I open my eyes and my breath is taken away. I am falling through gray, misty sky at rapid speeds, but there is no resistance, no howling of the wind past my ears. Just a light breeze as I plummet towards the Earth. I am panicking. I don't know what to do. So, with no other options, I just accept the inevitable. I close my eyes before the impact, but it never comes. When I open my eyes, I am hanging in the air, motionless. I think about going forward, and I drift forward. I think about going every which way, and I am moved every which way. I pick a direction, and go forward. The flight starts slow, and then I pick up speed. I just keep going faster and faster through the frictionless air until the whole world is a blur. It was as if I was moving through the vacuum of space, unrestricted by the laws of physics. It was incredibly freeing. At the same time, however, I had this nagging feeling I was leaving something behind. Something important. I couldn't put a name to it for the life of me, so I slow down, come down to Earth, and place my feet upon the ground. I woke up then, feeling confused, morose, and sad.