I had a dream that i am at work and i am in the warehouse area. I am standing and talking to an unknown man who is holding power lines in his right and left hands. The electricity is flowing through him but doesn't hurt him. At which point we are still talking like everything is ok. Until he connects the live wires in the middle. At which point a mass amount of power starts flowing through his body to much for him to handle. You could almost see his spirit. I was able to pull him away from the lines even know power was moving through him. I then rush him to Johns office a guy i work with. Then he was put on some type of hospital bed. Then what looked like doctors came and got him. They took him to what looked like a clean room. I remember seeing a clear plastic curtin. The man then stated he wanted to die and ran off. As we were looking for him i was standing across from the clean room and had a long hose that i was breathing out of. I believe it was connected to the clean room. Then dinosaurs came out of nowhere. I hide under a table so the big dinosaurs don't see me. However, the small ones did and began attacking me from the sides. I was able to fight them off with my fists and the dream ends. This dream was very colorful and full of light.
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