Last night, I dreamed that you were looking through a stack of my dreams and you said ”all of these have to do with the same thing. They are about music.” I said, ”Music? I dont see how you got that from these dreams because none of them have anything to do with music“ but remained interested in the interpretation. Then, my stack of dreams turned into a stack of sheet music. As we were looking through the stack of sheet music, I explained that I have zero musical ability; cant sing, play, write, dance....I have no abilility. Then you said, ”Maybe this is something the Lord is telling you to pursue. Maybe you should learn to read music.” I was confused but I said ok. Then, someone said, ”You have the same annointing as Michael French. This is what you should do.” Then, I woke up wondering if you played music. LOL
I think maybe the Lord is telling me that I can interpret my own dreams. 😂 Since that is the annointing I know you by. What do you think?