My dream was I was at church and we were worshiping and during worship Tom Cruise got on stage dressed in black wearing a black jacket he started talking holding a bible. I don't know what he was saying but he was something about "you people are being deceived with Christianity " and he said something promoting Scientology. And the people loved it. (I don't think the words were important cause I don't remember them really.) then on the screen behind him as he walked off the Scientology cross came into focus but it started out a certain part of the cross was highlighted in light and as it came into focus .( so it's a normal cross with a four point design behind it. the lower right point was what flashed as it came into focus but the camera started on that point big out of focus like Tom Cruise is a higher up and IS one of those 8 points then got smaller and came into focus as the whole cross) Then he threw the Bible on the ground and sat down. I then took a white fluffy long pillow and threw it at him. it didn't hit him but it landed right next to him. and he turned around mad. I don't think he saw me in the crowd but then I think he saw me and stood up and turned to me then the dream was over.
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