I was in my parent's room, packing my travel bag.
My old boss was talking to me. I didn't like him very much.
Suddenly I was at the airport. Mum and Dad were there too.
I lined up to get a free lipstick, The lady at the counter with long black hair struggled to find the free promo lipstick colour that was advertised.
I pressured her to keep looking for the colour. The Manager of the boutique came to help very casually and calmly.
Manager "Give her a lipstick from the same luxuries brand but in a different shade, pick one that will suit her."
Sales Assistant (with long black hair) " I was about to cry from the pressure of not finding the free promo lipstick.
Dreamer "Don't cry, there is no need to put pressure on yourself. over these things, take your time."
When I walked away, I observed the colour, It was darker then what I would typically wear, but apparently, the colour made me look more fashionable/edgy.
Suddenly I was in a room filled with a few people.
Another lady and I were conducting wedding ceremonies.
I noticed there was an issue with the groom; He had a curse on his life.
His bride, who was being comforted by her Father heeded her husbands' voice when he called her. The Father told the daughter that she did not need to go to with this man.
All three were standing outside under a risen house during nightfall.
The husband wooed the bride, convincing her to join him, the Bride - Confused as to whose voice to listen too began to turn towards her Father, moving away from the man she married. Unexpectedly the husband revealed his turn nature at the sight of his bride turning away from him. A deep growl hummed from within him as he transformed into a beast. It was the demonic spirit Leaping into an attack. The Father rushed in to protect his daughter along with other strong men.
Suddenly I was in a room filled with people and ancient paintings. Each painting depicted a spirit.
Dreamer: "EVERYONE, I want you to write something on a piece of paper, and place it behind the painting you are most connected too."
As the room bustled with people writing and placing paper behind the portraits, I watched a blonde woman copy the actions of others, not taking the group exercise too seriously placing her paper behind any painting.
A wind came into the room, picking up the woman's paper and placed it on one of the most significant paintings I had seen. This painting was not hung up on a wall but laid on the floor. The picture was of a water spirit covered in blue.