I dreamt that I was in my current home. I looked outside my office window and was very startled to see many dark, muddy vehicles - they looked almost like giant beetles – driving into our neighborhood. I had heard on the news that there was much unrest in our city but this invasion was the first we had ever seen so close to our homes. They drove right over our lawns and right near our homes. I wondered how my neighbors were doing. I prayed for the Lord to protect us and braced myself for what was to come next. The skies was overcast and gray throughout my dream.
In the next part of my dream, I decided to sneak into our backyard through the kitchen door. It’s usually locked and barricaded, but it seemed like the least auspicious door for me to go outside. In the backyard were several people walking around. I approached on guy who was a little older and bald. I also saw a couple other women close by. I quickly recognized that they were in allegiance with the vehicles in our front yard. I ran back into the house and slammed and locked the kitchen door before they could come in.
My dad and my brother as well as some other family members were also in our home. They didn’t seem troubled by what was happening outside. My dad continued to rest peacefully while my brother was working on a project of some sort. Part of the living room was dark because we didn’t have our lights on, so it was lit by the windows. I decided to simply have all of us wait in our home and pray that God would keep us safe.
In the last part of my dream, I looked out of my office window once again to see what was happening in our yard. I was shocked to see that all of the ugly muddy invading vehicles were gone! I was surprised that not only had they not damaged any homes by driving into them…our front yard looked intact. Our lawn looked just like it had before the vehicles drove all over it – it was as if nothing had ever happened. That was simply a stunning miracle as those vehicles would have certainly torn up the grass and left mud and tracks behinds. The sun was coming out of the clouds. I was amazed and so grateful that we had not experienced any damage to our property. Praise God!