I had this dream about 3 nights ago and the name of it came to me almost instantly after waking. The dream was really scattered, kept shifting scenes, and dull in color for the most part. The first thing I remembered was that I was at a baby shower and i had on mismatch socks which our assistant pastor pointed out. The left sock was lime green and purple while the other was dull and i couldnt make out the color. When the scene shifted i was signing people up for a dance competition when a girl from my church named Trinity said i had to write down the car everyone had, i said ”i dont know that!” and she said she did and began to list them off one persons name and the car they had stood out on the list- Tae had a Prius. Then scenes shifted again, i was at a resturaunt when i realized my husbands friend was holding our daughter which upset me. someone had asked me a question regarding my marriage i think & i answered. After i answered Avondre (my husbands friend) asked ne for a kiss i became angry and told him that was very disrepectful because i was married and he knew that . i told him to give me my baby. He kept asking and i kept telling him no and he was wrong. when i said i was going to tell Alonzo (my husband ) he said ”oh and thats his business?” i said yes because we are married and you are wrong! i took my daughter and found my husband i told him what happened, that he needed to address it and that i was mad he let avondre hold our daughter. Then it was as if i was looking at photos or something and i saw that avondre had taken one kissing our daughter on the cheek. i became enraged and went to find my husband i proceeded to tell him that he needed to talk to his friend about what happened again with me (it was as if i had forgotten the photos i saw as i never brought it up) but he didnt seem concerned. i began to pace back and forth as i was talking to him when i saw my reflection in the window (the window was dark and tinted) and notcied i was wearing a red blazer and red skirt then thats all i remember.
i woke up confused about the dream and then when the title popped in my head i became concerned.