I was at my parents house talking with my dad. I was telling him about a variety of disc golf discs that have been named after electrical properties, ex. Volt, Amp, Shock etc. While I was talking, my brother pulled in to the driveway in his bight red truck pulling a double trailer. The first trailer was a very nice white 1 person sporty looking helicopter. The second trailer was a very expensive bright red sporty looking jet boat. My dad and I went outside to apparently help him unhitch them when we heard a loud horrible noise. It was like a car crash type of sound with the sound of electric alongside of it and the grunt/moan of a man. We felt as if something was wrong and we looked around to see what could have happened when I notice a man dead (from electrocution) hanging from a street light by his neck. He was impaled by the neck on the streetlight. It was horrifying and I woke up as soon as I saw him. Typically have a lot of dream, almost never this intense.
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Dreams posted to the forum will be interpreted by students. They will likely accumulate during breaks between classes, so please keep this in mind. Remember most interpretations are provided by students and they are learning what they are doing. Moderators will often have more seasoned interpretations when they do comment on a dream. A moderator often responds to Level 1 student interpretations and comments when necessary for Level 2 students. Level 3 students will post interpretations as student moderators.
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