I was in a class presented by John Paul Jackson.
He had a board with instructions, a lamp that looked like some sort of three parts camping lamp. Right then in my dream, I remembered I had dreamt that he showed me a drawing of a lamp with three parts too. I was under the impression this picture of the camp light, the tank represented the need to be constantly filled with the spirit so that the lightbulb would work in any circumstance.
As he spoke I thought: I better remember! I knew I was in a dream and didn't want to forget anything.
He said: assimilation, interpretation, application. These three are important for dream interpretation.
Next I am walking by a boulevard, it was bright, full of people going places. On the right side I see a bus. Now, the bus had a cartoon face of John Paul and it covered the entire front of the bus. He was singing merrily about love and I was instructed to look for signs.