(a dream my husband had)
Me, my wife (Lisa) and some friends from church all went to someone’s home. The person’s name was Gemma. It was a big nice 2 story home. It had a very fragrant aroma of lavender. Everywhere I looked there were stemless, baby blue styrofoam roses and I realized that was where the smell was coming from.
One of my wife’s friends was following Gemma around begging her to fill a spiritual void in her life (can’t give details about that). Between the overwhelming smell and the begging, one of my friends and I felt like something was wrong.
We looked out of the 2nd floor window and saw a dirt bike across the yard. We both felt like we just needed to get out of the house so we went to look at it. The further from the house we got, the less we could smell the lavender and the more clear we could think.
I saw my wife talking to Gemma but didn’t hear what was said because her friend was still wailing and begging Gemma.
I said out loud “something’s wrong” and as soon as I did I heard God say “you ought to know that roses don’t smell like lavender, I did not create them that way. I gave Lisa a voice of triumph, not deception”. He then told me to get her out but be kind and gentle.
My friend, his wife and my wife all were out of the house. Then God split opened the clouds and we could see God’s hands. He was holding a pink rose and the world was in the pink rose. He was looking at it lovingly and He looked down at Lisa and said “this is what I created you for”.
Note: I did not have a bad feeling about Gemma or the house itself, it was mainly the roses that smelled like lavender and then the friend that was begging was unsettling.