My husband said he has a recurring item that keeps popping up in his dream. He described it first as either a bar of soap or towel. When I asked him to explain a dream where it occurred her referred to it as a towel. He said that it often occurs randomly and that it is purple in color and that before it appears someone always says “I smell lavender” and then he will see it flash by before it pops up like right in front of him. He said that it invokes fear and that in the first dream (which he can’t remember the details of) it occurred in he thought to himself “this must be a demon” . The dream he does remember he said he was helping some old ladies when he saw the purple towel flash by and then one of the old ladies said “I smell lavender do you smell lavender?” And then the towel appeared in his face.
We both thought it was really odd that the lavender smell is present and that the towel invokes fear because lavender is often used for relaxation and calming.