I have had this dream multiple times in a row (every night). I am on a cat walk looks like outside at the top of a factory or something. I walk to the end and it turns to the left, I take the turn and walk to the end. At the end there is a big gap to another ledge or building, I try to decide if I can make it to the next ledge or building. I decide it’s too far so I go back to where the ledge turns and think about jumping from the bend to the a different building/ledge. I know it’s too far, but I have to do it for some reason, not sure why I feel compelled to get to the other building/ledge. It then skips to me on the other side. I do not know if I jumped, flew, I have no idea how I got to the other side but it’s always the same. In my dream I can’t figure it out, I feel fear through the whole dream but then it always ends up I’m on the other side. (Btw, the factory is dark, but the rail along the walk way is bright yellow, the yellow is the only color I can recall).
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