I was laying on a conveyor belt of a grocery store check out counter (far right of the store - near door) looking out of a window with burgular bars to see people outside dancing across the street. On the conveyor belt with me is a small child (baby/toddler) that is pregnant and I am watching the child as she is sleeping making sure she doesn't fall or hurt herself. I am also watching a woman check out in the other line as she has to call her sister that works for the supermarket to make sure that she can use her discount. (I am not familiar with any of these individuals.) Afters the baby awakens, and I stand up to leave as the baby girl asks why was I there and I respond, just to make sure that you are okay and she smiles (although a baby - she has a full mouth of teeth and pregnant). Next, I am shopping in produce section of the market with my natural children when I ask them what exactly do they want from the store. I move to check out (don't know the items purchased) at the register on the far left in the same supermarket. The cashier is the lead intercessor at my church/spiritual elder who tells me a total of $51.37. As I pull out money to pay, I see that I have a card - bank card - that is old and tattered (dark green or blue) that has her name on it in white; which startles me because I think I don't want her to think I stole it but I don't know how it got into my purse. The card is inside a wad of cash (a bit old - no order to it) in my purse. As I'm counting out the money, my biological sister comes up to say, here you go as she pays the cashier. I move to another area near the cashier and take out the contents of my purse - on a blanket on the floor as my sister and I continue to talk to the cashier. A younger man comes up to speak to the cashier as they both smile, then he leaves. We comment to the cashier that they must really like each other as she tells us he visits the store everyday and speaks to her.
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