In my dream i was in a car with my son, going normal speed. In front of us a manhole opened and a brown monster came up. I told my son i was going to run it over because it was bad. I hit it but it wedged under the car and slowed it down to a sluggish speed, however the monster was injured as i saw it’s arm lying in the road when I looked in my mirror. My son then went through a blue door (it was just a freestanding door, no building). I then was at my dad’s house and he was in a white golf shirt. I told him a monster was after me and he needed to get his gun. He then told me that a gun would not take care of this monster, but slowly walked to get the gun anyway.
(side dad dreamed of gun fire the same night, just extremely loud gun fire, no other details, said it was so loud it woke him up)