I as visting my childhood home.
In one of the rooms I was sleeping (it is currently a store room in their home)
I was sleeping on a bed. I woke up pulled my mattress away and there was so many cockroaches inside a hole in the bed and suddenly when I shone a light with my cellphone onto the bed there was a massive spider and a masive yellow & black scorpion(I think the spider was dead already) I wanted to phone my dad for help but had such a huge fright I dropped my cellphone .
I ran to his room without underpants. Woke him up told him what happened and put some pants on.
When we got to the room it was already morning and my dad easily saw the scorpion.
He looked fascinated by the scorpion and said that he tried to get this thing grownup.
He took it with this hand and I was so afraid that it will sting him with his venom that I went outside to pray for his safety.
He said that he would need to come again at night time with a flashlight because there is probably 100's of babies.
He will need a builder to redo the room.