I'm not sure if these dreams have anything to do with each other but because I had them one after another ill have to assume they do.
Aidan (hubby) Daniel (2nd born) and I are in the car going somewhere. I'm driving and its night time. Aidan won some tickets for a dinner date night to a really fancy restaurant and we are arguing over if we are going to go or not. He wants to give them away, I want to go. Because I'm upset in not paying attention to how fast I'm driving until we drive up on a sudden red light that appeared from around the corner. I slam on my breaks to try and stop but it causes the car to flip and roll. For that first flip its like we are in slow motion and I'm looking at myself from the out side of the car watching my self repeat "Thank you, Jesus" Next thing I know I'm waking up in a hospital bed hooked up to all the machines and such. To my left Daniel is in his pumpkin seat sleeping. the nurse walks in and tells me that there isn't even a scratch on him that he was fine, but they want to take me to ultrasound to make sure the baby I'm caring is OK as well. They move to to a waiting area where I can see a older black man prepping for a pain block for his back. A nurse calls for someone, I assume its me and go to walk to her then another family goes, as the nurse was calling for them. After I sit back down I wake up.
I'm in this room with a ton of children all under the age of 5 maybe 10. all of them are completely neglected and malnourished. some with diapers that have been soiled for days, some need baths and proper clothing. My heart screams for these children as they are all abandon. I decide to take them all in. I clean up the building. ( not sure if it was a home, store, or small school) As I'm cleaning up the kids other people start to notice and donate things like books, clothes, toys, food, and money. Everything needed to take care of these kids. by the end of the dream i was running a fully functional orphanage/ school for the kids. I was talking to a gentleman telling me how wonderful it was I took on the task when I woke up.