One more dream that I'm not sure about the interpretation...I was leaving an event via a waterway. I was wearing special shoes, and I had a small watercraft that was like a motorized chair. As I looked out onto the water, a clear path was outlined with a border, kind of like the borders that separate pool lanes. A motorized boat began to follow this “road.” A small disturbance appeared in the water, and it caused the boat to swerve and slide as it passed over it. It was like the boat “slipped” in the water. The boaters had to scramble to maintain control of their boat.
It was too late, I was already headed down this road! I knew if I hit that disturbance, my chair would flip. I wasn’t wearing a life jacket, so I was very concerned that I would go under. I looked around, and the lake was expansive enough that it would take a while before someone would be able to help me. This train of thought happened in what felt like a split-second.
Before I reached the rough patch of water, my chair suddenly slipped out from under me! It was very tricky for me to try to get back into it without tipping it. My special shoes, however, were able to hold me up on the water! I stood still on the water, praying like crazy for the Lord to help me. I knew that if a boat came by and sprayed me with water or a wave hit me, I would go under…and I wasn’t able to swim. Without a life jacket, I was at risk of drowning.
I saw my friends Dorothea (a former coworker friend) and Jim (Dorothea's husband) in their boat, getting ready to go home. The moment they saw my situation, they offered to come help me. I told them that I thought I would be ok, but Jim began to turn his boat so that they could come by to pick me up. He pulled away to turn around, and I noticed that their boat was gray and filled with air, like a big blow-up boat. I wondered out loud if it would be able to carry all three of us. I was so grateful for their caring spirit.
Suddenly, they hit the small area of turbulence and immediately got sucked underwater! The entire boat disappeared with them still on it. I was horrified and prayed that God would come to the rescue! I was helpless to help them…I knew that if I moved and tried to dive in to look for them, I would drown. I looked and prayed that they would be able to escape the boat and swim back to the surface.
I looked around for help and continued to pray. I woke up before I seeing what happened to them.
Thank you for your ministry!