I dreamt this back in 2012. It started with me and my mom in a thrift store. We were looking for blankets and we saw various types and colors. I saw 3 blankets that stood out: a dark green, a red, and a pink one with Disney characters. I wrapped the green one around my shoulders. Mom asked me if I liked the Disney one, because she wanted to buy it for me, and although I liked it, I didn't want that one. Then, a box caught my attention. In the box was a pink teddy bear with my full name written on its tummy and the year "2016". It had a price of $119.00. I had no money to buy it, so I looked for info on how to claim my prize which was a trip to Disney World. I was excited and shocked that I had won, but at the same time wondered why I never knew of this. My husband's name was on the bear too, just in another spot. I had until 2016 to claim my prize. The end. This is one dream I've not been able to crack the code, so any insight would be a GREAT help! Thank you Michael.
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