I'm posting this for a friend. Her name is Alexis.
My dream started with a group, and I got funding to travel to this place where a house was built over an ancient burial ground. It was abandoned because of disturbances going on. But the deal was that we have to video everything we did there. We agreed and went to see what was going on.
In this house we found a medium to darker room that was mainly cement walls and I remember my friend, but I couldn’t see faces of these people. But they set up a sound box. It was green with dials on it to change sound waves. It had a lot of static at first but then made contact. I remember hearing what I thought was a human voice. I asked if we made contact with anyone. The voice said you! And it was like I knew it was talking to me. It sounded like an older wise women like in the movies. And I asked, me? She replied, "I'm coming."
Then in my dream I saw like a hand pointing at me. Then I received a phone call that said the funding has been pulled. Then I woke up.
I also remember before waking up, walking out of the house and seeing a huge abandoned house I’ve seen in many of my dreams when I have night mares. It’s a beautiful old victorian styled house. But terrible things had happened in there and souls/demons where trapped in there. Gave me chills