I was checking out this house that my mum wanted to buy with me, but I didn’t like it. It was a two storey house but it wasn’t as new and the walls were the yellow colours. It has got some trees n grass/bush outside I didn’t want to tend once bought the house. On the second floor it has got a bunch rooms like 4, n one room had 3 beds was haunted. I knew it when I walked in this room n I told the spirits to back off out of fear in me, although I knew in my head they can’t do nothing to me . I checked out the other rooms n didn’t like them. My mum wanted to buy it n she was waiting for the owner to accept her offer, but I knew this house is troublesome although I could get the spirits out. The shed outside has got the roof windows opened and rain had come in the shed somewhat. A few of my friends decided to stay over night there without me being there, and the Realestate agent asked me the other day if I was there as Tamara (one of my friends) mentioned something about her Asian friend was there with her on the night. I thought they must have used some amount of electricity and water thus the agent wanted to charge someone for it, thankfully I wasn’t there.
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